St. Paul's School | Branding School Athletics
A school's pelican brief
St. Paul’s School is a coeducational, fully residential independent high school serving more than 500 students in New Hampshire. The School’s mascot – the Pelican – referenced in the official school shield conveys much about the school’s mission, suggesting aspiration, service, and sacrifice.
Recently the Athletic Director undertook an extensive process reviewing the various wordmarks, initials and icons, and their application to the various athletic teams. He assigned the Bernhardt Fudyma Design Group to create a coordinated athletic brand identity that enables the school to implement the branding in a manner that presents a consistent graphic depiction of their teams, their Big Red Nickname, and their pelican mascot to the public.
Comprehensive guidelines were also developed to show the wordmarks and color combinations that have been created to illustrate the proper application of the branding.