Small change. Big change. Year four.

As I rushed up the subway stairs one rainy morning on my way to work, it caught my eye — that shiny penny just laying there overlooked by everyone ahead of me. I had to pick it up because I knew its potential. Thus began year four of small change, big change.
For the past four years, I have been picking up the pennies I find on the streets of New York. If I am lucky, occasionally I’ll find a dime or a quarter. Each year I have matched the amount I found and donated the money to a New York City charity. This past year, my family, our friends and work colleagues began handing me the change they found. Collectively the amount totaled $46.45.
Each member of my family is matching the amount and together we have decided to donate the money to Daniel’s Music Foundation, a non profit organization that provides free music instruction to all individuals with disabilities in the New York City area.
The foundation was founded by the Trush family. When their son Daniel, a classmate of my younger daughter, was 12, he suffered a brain aneurysm while playing basketball and nearly died. Music played an important role in Daniel’s recovery and the Trush Family learned how something small can have a big impact. We hope that this year’s small change can make a big change for Daniel’s Music Foundation.
What if you did the same in your community? Think of the good we can do collectively. Write to me about what you are doing so people can see this in action. Fudyma Design Group
Janice Fudyma