Small change. Big change. Year three.

For the past three years, I have been picking up coins – the small change that often goes overlooked – on the streets of New York. At the end of each year I have matched what I have found and donated the money to a New York City charity.
This past year some family and friends helped. We expanded our reach (and sight) and, together, we found $10.27. My two daughters have agreed to match this total – bringing our total donation to $40.08. We’ve decided to give to the Urban Dove Team Charter School, a high school in Brooklyn for at risk students. Check out the video about the school as seen on CBS Sunday Morning.
Perhaps as I enter year four, others will continue to join me by keeping their eyes open for that unwanted penny. What if you did the same in your community? Think of the good we can do collectively. Write to me about what you are doing so people can see this in action.
Janice Fudyma